
In the Genes or in the Jeans?

A Case Study on Sexual Differentiation

Part I—“How are Males and Females Different?”

William J. Hoese, California State University Fullerton
Judith Gibber, Columbia University
Bonnie Wood, University of Maine Presque Isle



  1. What are the biological differences between males and females? Brainstorm with your group and come up with as many differences as you can.
    Males Females

  2. When faced with a large number of things, scientists often find it useful to group them into a smaller number of categories. After you have completed your list, divide your characteristics into categories.
    Category Males Females

Go to Part II, Section A—“Chromosomal Sex”

Date Posted: 01/14/02 nas

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Originally published at http://www.sciencecases.org/gender/gender.asp

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