
In the Genes or in the Jeans?
A Case Study on Sexual Differentiation”

William J. Hoese, California State University Fullerton
Judith Gibber, Columbia University
Bonnie Wood, University of Maine Presque Isle



The overall goal of this case is to give students some insight into scientific experimentation as they learn the biology of sexual differentiation. The case as written here would probably take three or four class periods to complete in its entirety. None of us used the entire case. Rather, we each used different parts of it in our courses, which had students with varying backgrounds:



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Students can find additional information about AIS and other disorders of sexual differentiation in the references below. If there is time for additional classes or assignments, one could focus on the behavioral and social aspects of gender and gender identity using an excerpt from the “Birth, Sex and Death” video (see references). This video shows an interview with an XY woman with Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) in which she describes how she feels and how she was viewed by her family and ex-husband. As a follow-up, assign small groups of students to investigate different websites and/or read different popular press articles or primary research articles listed in the references. During the subsequent class meeting, have these small groups report to the rest of the class what they have learned from the different sources.


Websites (Links valid as of February, 2009)

The following sites describe conditions involving sex chromosomes.

  1. Klinefelter’s Syndrome and Associates:
  2. Turner Syndrome Society of the United States:
  3. Turner Syndrome Information on Healthline:
  4. Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM):
    http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez  (Use the site’s search engine for the phrases “Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome,” “Turner’s Syndrome,” or “Klinefelter’s Syndrome.”)
  5. Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) Support Group:
  6. Ethics of treating intersex conditions:
  7. Loyola University Medical Education Network Quicktime movie of genital differentiation:
  8. Pamphlet describing Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome:
    http://www.wch.org.au/publications/CAIS.html   (Link to PDF file.)
  9. “Androgen insensitivity syndrome,” Pinsky, L., and M.A. Trifiro, 1999:

Popular Press Articles and Media

  1. “The science of sex.” June 1992. Discover Magazine Special Issue 13(6).
  2. France, David. May 28, 2000. “An inconvenient woman.” The New York Times Magazine 24-29.
  3. Marion, Robert. December 2000. “The curse of the Garcias.” Discover 42–44.
  4. Nussbaum, Emily. January 2000. “A question of gender.” Discover 93–99.
  5. Radetsky, Peter. November 1997. “Y?” Discover 89–93.
  6. Video: “Birth, Sex, and Death” (#GR4332) from the 8-part series “The Secret of Life: The Revolution in Molecular Biology.” This can be purchased from Films for the Humanities & Sciences, P.O. Box 2053, Princeton, NJ 08543-2053 or possibly rented from a university library rental service.

Primary Research and Review Articles

  1. Adachi, M., R. Takayanagi, A. Tomura, K. Imasaki, S. Kato, K. Goto, T. Yanase, S. Ikuyama, and H. Nawata. 2000. “Androgen-insensitivity syndrome as a possible coactivator disease.” New England Journal of Medicine 343(12):856–862.
  2. Blackless, M., A. Charuvastra, A. Derryck, A. Fausto-Sterling, K. Lauzanne, and E. Lee. 2000. “How sexually dimorphic are we? Review and synthesis.” American Journal of Human Biology 12:151–166.
  3. Migeon, C.J., and A.B. Wisniewski. 1998. “Sexual differentiation: From genes to gender.” Hormone Research 50(5):245–251.
  4. Migeon, C.J., and A.B. Wisniewski. 2000. “Human sex differentiation: From transcription factors to gender.” Hormone Research 53(3):111–119.
  5. Sinclair, A. H., P. Berta, M.S. Palmer, J.R. Hawkins, B.L. Griffiths, J. Smith, J.W. Foster, A. Frischauf, R. Lovell-Badge, and P.N. Goodfellow. 1990. “A gene from the human sex-determining region encodes a protein with homology to a conserved DNA-binding motif.” Nature 346:240.
  6. Small, Chanley M. 1998. “Reinventing sex: The construction of realistic definitions of sex and gender.” American Biology Teacher 60(8):590–593.
  7. Wisniewski, A.B., C.J. Migeon, H.F.L. Meyer-Bahlburg, J.P Gearhart, G.D. Berkovitz, T.R. Brown, and J. Money. 2000. “Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome: Long-term medical, surgical, and psychosexual outcome.” Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 85(8):2664–2669.

Acknowledgements: This case study was developed with support from The Pew Charitable Trusts and the National Science Foundation as part of the Case Studies in Science Workshop held at the University at Buffalo, State University of New York, on May 22–26, 2000.

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Date Posted: 01/14/02, updated 09/07/03 nas

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